Symposium - 1 in ancient Greece varied banquet dance, singing, interesting conversation; 2 gathering of professionals dedicated to discussing some issues, exchange ideas, etc. (listed as "Little dictionary of Polish language", ed. OWN, Warsaw 1969)
The history of the first (actually second, but the former was organized with the proper gusto) to Action Congress writers Maga is long and twisted as some of the corruption scandals, however, distinguishes it from those that, in the case of AM in one place, gathered more people who have passed the high school diploma. As the rally took place, what happened, as it arose - the longer you will learn in a moment, but first drop in historyMarilyn Monroe.
No longer know who first had the idea of a convention - different sources give different information, and Wołoszański still trying to convince the professors of the Jagiellonian University for their case. The same place where zgromadziliby the magowcy was a concept, to put it mildly, fluid - the organizers moved the finger over the map on the whole Hawaii, zawędrowali around for a while in Pomerania, looked around in the mountains, until he tired of hand refused to obey, and stopped at the Wroclaw. (And so I would urge anyone to Rzeszow zaglądnał ... - Donald). After fierce negotiations with the owners of telephone Sly a picture (please-not-very please-no,Mary Tyler Moore 'but I ask ... And so for 500 gold), was only invited guests. As it was Sly took on the shoulders the burden of organizing the entire meeting, not just wykłócania for accommodation, and also that it was sending envelopes with tickets, and he did it several times running RSVP Collective mail arrived forty-one people, but some of the places declared that the rally does not reach. As in the email address list has been decreasing, emerged, a group that eventually Accommodation in Wroclaw Hotel holiday. It comprised predominantly Sly and: Vene, Andrew, Caleb, Donald, aka Ghall Sad wanderer, Gregorius, Kriis, Luke, Phnom Penh, Splatch, Vrok, military (many people who wished to see themselves, or not learned, or learned at the last minute - like Rainman and Mariusz Saint). Every day after work Qn'ik supported them, with the opportunity to look at the role of tour guide. Occasionally we also looked Bedzio, but it disappeared as quickly and unexpectedly as it appearedJessye Norman.
DAY ONE - Monday, 21.07.2003
The first arrived in Wroclaw Vene (which toppled a few stereotypes about the appearance of girl-komputerowca) to pick up at the station Ghall. He seems most anxious to Congress, as he alighted from the train was about seven in the morning (really went at night - and did not sleep because he feared that it ... let's say - okradną). Then, for unconsciously joined the deuces and Kriis Bedzio, awaiting the arrival of Vroka, Luke, Andrew and militarego (unconsciously - that of steel for some time a few meters next to each other, not knowing that these people are looking for). [Luke: It should be noted that when we met Vene, it looked extremely interesting, because I hadAnnie Oakley to scold a little, we draw attention to her. How it looked exactly the same I do not know, because I heard only the final "Stop !!!"] Around noon we all went to those specified above Wroclaw market, where the expectation, then after searching, found the Phnom. I must admit - the collection were some problems, and that's because the term "market" could mean "somewhere over thousands of square meters in the middle of a wild crowd.
Unfortunately, Sly has not appeared. [Gregorius: "Three words to the Father lecturer: Sly is you?" - (C) by Sad Wanderer (probably:))] [Andrew: And not because (c) by me:)]
After a turbulent and fascinating adventure full of exploration, we could see our hotel rooms. During this time, unfortunately, we Bedzio disappeared ... and never returned. And yet they say to watch out for low-flying UFOsDolly Parton.
When Donald and Caleb uraczyli us with people who were in complete, ready for departure to the city. For the purposes of integration we visited the outdoor bar, where he learned that Kriis and Donald are nałogowymi eaters of bread with lard (I'm just a compulsive - devoured 10 sandwiches. Smalczyk But he was first class. Moreover, the very firstMary Pickford day probably paid for the coke Vrok ... czypieńdziesiąt. - Donald). There were also fun - for a few minutes admiring acrobat performance that stunned the gathered karkołomnym feat: maintaining a cue from the brush on one (!) Finger. Long time we could not get up from the soil after this trick.
During interviews conducted by us - it is hard to say whether it was in this bar - Ghall, known as Sad wanderer, has gained a number of other ksywek - among whom grabbed Black Nindża and Doogie Howser, MD. This may give some hint as to how he looks ... [Vene: and it looks pretty good.]
Around 19:00 in the previously agreed upon location, or close to market a fountain (as the garrulous cichutka rill next four-lane highway ...), appeared Qn'ik, whose first question was "whether the men may have a collection here?" - Apparently could not believe that amagowcy look so good, che che. [Gregorius: Yeah ... and then brazenly asked, "something you eat or just drink?:)] (Then he asked me if I brought the sickle, for which he asked me before theLeontyne Price exit. What's that like Qn` ikowi but not denied. - Donald) [Vene: um, and I was at this meeting, of course I missed ...] [Qn `k: Everything is true ... And zjazdowiczów met quite easily - it was the only group of ten peasants near the fountain. In addition, one of them had a shirt with Lenin.: ) Fortunately, however, after 20 minutes, nothing Telimena Tadku in the Lord, came to us and Raisin.]
After a brief conversation started, for the purposes of integration, of course, hiking Route Wroclawskie bars. After the find at the hotel table tennis, at which we spent a few hours, learn the techniques of operating paddle.
Vrok interceded in the fridge drink.
Sly phoned and said that he would come tomorrow.
DAY TWO - Tuesday, July 22
In the morning we split up: Phnom and the military went on the faculty of the University of Koszarowa Street and the rest of the tour began. And it was easy - but later find you no longer, because of the obvious "one hundred per cent efficacy" of cells, their "absolute coverage" and a few factors. However, nothing is impossible, he said, a gentleman with astonishment by stating that his mother in law is still alive, and after several minutes the group was once again in its entirety. We could go visit the CDA's editorial, which it did, and then taste the home cooking in a milk bar anonymousGilda Radner (zatailiśmy its name, as many writers that re (in) populations could shed on the sea of yellow "domowości" eat what he zaserwowano. Only ravioli with mushroom sauce was first class, although they added to the sauce and everything he could to overeat ...). [Sad Wanderer: I to the fresh potatoes ... prior week;)] [Vene a reliable air conditioning remember eating at that? Not? Maybe it's because it simply was not:)] (Caleb: She was, but the court:). A bar was very interesting especially when he called Sly: PP.) [Vrok: And I had noodles straight from the pack, the damage that the ladies of the kitchen forgot about this important activities like cooking.] [Gregorius I do not know what you want? After all, baked beans were very good, even with a fork does not run away:)] (Yes, but only as it is dźgnęło fork.:) - Military)
The day began in earnest only after one hour 16, when guided by the local Qnia zawitaliśmy "communist", which just held a parade (and others) on the occasion of anniversary of the manifest PKWN (Ojejku!! Ingenious! God! ! Excellent! And this guy in uszance people who tried to squeeze the sausage and Siwucha was simply divine - Donald). [Qn `k: and that you may have seen the joy of Donald when he entered the premises ... Embraces andJoan Rivers commemorative photos with Dzierjinski and the company was not the end.] Presentation made an impression, but much less than a magnificent monument to the victims of Katyn, which it was given to us to see (and which is likely if not on the cover of AM, is somewhere in this article). [Qn `k: will be in a month - in wstępniaku. If all goes according to plan.] Visited the Japanese garden, and some brave ones - an exhibition of drawings by Picasso, and the largest monument to kitsch in Wroclaw - Dominican Gallery, styled on the American "mall" hypermarket full of all kinds McDonald (Q `ik called this place the most Warsaw throughout Wrocław). After all these experiences, we went for integration into the bar.
Already at the hotel, again we won table tennis, which raged for (almost) undefeated Phnom Penh (Beijing should nickname - the game like a native Chinese). Then assisted the magical drink pismacy took a breathtaking feat: writing a collective album to play the cell. It is worth noting that the task was not easy and the game itself at leastRoseanne Barr complicated - and demonstrates that Vroka statement that after fifteen minutes of playing with a severe shyness said, "and what should I do here at all?". [Vrok: To this day I do not know, because everyone was so busy laughing that they did not reply.]
No challenge is too difficult for amagowców, so skomponowaliśmy hip-hop song, better than most, according to some charts of different caliber (do not quote the text, because - despite the fact that the PM - a piece was created according to the standards of the species, so were a dozen or so into it "commas").
Sly unfortunately did not appear, but he called and said that he would come tomorrow.
THIRD DAY - except Wednesday, for sure in July ...
The previous evening did not noticed that the game zrecenzowania tests lasted for two in the morning, so we went not to the zoo - to interfere with the plan Splatcha pickup from the train station around noon (the boy did not even know that the congress started two days ago - Susan Sarandonthat disinformation imperialist in our party is rife). Before that, however, been some time - just in time for a trip to the Jewish cemetery, as we found out the only such in Europe. With the guide we got to know his "tenants" - including Lenin's doctor (who treated the Leader of syphilis, and that mercury) and grandparents of the famous Polish woman, Monica Lewinsky. (Kriis: I will not praise, who brought you there ... : P) [Vene: but that does not change the fact that we went somewhat circuitous route: P]
When searching Splatcha shares held at the station a success, we returned to the hotel and then to dinner popędziliśmy anonymous milk bar. There, Caleb called to Sly and said that he would come tomorrow. During this conversation, all guests of the restaurant looked at us as normal otherwise, but the details of secret talks przykryjmy mist ...
Attraction of the evening was a trip "integration", originally intended only Qniem and Smuggler. But it turned out that Macabra also had a little time and could take us. It was a great move - it just surpDinah Shoreassed two of the jokes and telling funny stories [Sad Wanderer: I wd **** s your pruning scissors!; D]. If we add to this interesting - because it differs from the other pubs - the atmosphere of the bar "Tequila" came out very nice and pleasant afternoon. A small digression about that "different atmosphere" if you do not know what was going on, it can give you the words Gregorius some understanding of the situation. Greg: (looking at the signboard bar) "These are the horns of a bull or a girl upside down?". [Vrok: Unless my memory fails, that Greg was still among us has not been] (He said on another occasion, when walking by the bar. - Military)
In the evening we rounded the market a few times - whether the lack of a better deal, or the desire to admire the performances of the "unusual" artists, which can be found there. Pozachwycaliśmy the lady juggling flaming baton, a group of people who blew a huge fantastic bubbles under which Assumption kids jumped and the Japanese tour, with the inevitable cameras. Donald presented the ability to play the flute, wygwizdując almost flawlessly,Beverly Sills and the Internationale anthem of Russia. Przypuszczalibyście not that the pokracznym kijku who męczyliście in elementary school can play these tunes ... (pushover, for anything from playing a repertoire of Bach, Iron Maiden, and I promise - Donald)
In the evening - of course, we played tennis, and Sly phoned and said that he would come tomorrow. (Caleb: Particularly good at playing tennis at 5, 6 and 7 in the morning:)). Commented very pleased with the Phnom Maciek:))
FOURTH DAY - possibly Thursday ...
In the morning we joined Gregorius, who could not come earlier because he did at the border as "ant" - that is a profession like any other. But Greg is not enough that he fell [Qn `k: is somewhat ambiguous. :) Greg came to us, not at the border.] Until the fourth day, it is still early in the morning - so that the entire team found sleeping in the best (perhaps in addition to Luke, because he either sleeps with his eyes open, or can be zamyœlaæ unconscious). [Luke: That day I was a little conscious, because "only" trying to open the doors closed "to the castle. That has happened, that the door does "castle" was not closed, but I still shook the key:).] [Gregorius: my arrival and he was good - IBessie Smith sensed in the urine, that nobody will come after me, so I went to from the station to the hotel and guided by the landed flawlessly gołębim sense ... the third time:). At the reception I ask, where is this peace zalokowała confused, at first glance, the brigade. I got the information and went to the top. Knock ... something breaks in the door (what? explanation above you:)). And now falls question: "sorry, that you are with Action Magician". Like nothing, but just think - seventh in the morning, all sleepy, and I was not even sure is the right room:))]
After reveille we went to the zoo. And what can you do at the zoo? Of course - watching the animals, as well as a delightfully baraszkują. It's just that there was little to see [Luke: they were not very interactive]. The most disappointed by lack of wolves (could go on tour?) [Vene: no, and the absence of marabou!], But we have photo Qn'ika, so finally you can see how he looks (although many claim that cattle of Scotland is unbeatable ).
As the evening event was to take place "integration", it was necessary to obtain the food. To this end, we went to the mall "Crown". From that moment began the evening of extreme sports - from wbiegu przełajowego the escalators going down (with a load of two full-commercials, in addition - almost succeeded, but only almost, I will add to the comfort that the fatalities, however, was not), the game basketball in absolute darkness, watching teleshopping ending after all-night party and playing ping-pong sequence of the second, third, and fourth in the night, and the fifth and sixth inBarbara Stanwyck the morning (reviews of the same, if I go, you can read in the AM Sports ).
As for the event itself - it was loud, boisterous and unpredictable. First Qn'ikowi was handed a commemorative qn'ik [Qn `k: present somewhere near the picture ... I really was moved when I got it. Now occupies a place of honor on my monitor in the editorial.] And then another deuces pingpongowego approached the table where fierce matches played out. (You have to try all how to play tennis sickle, as I did. Serwy I even went out. - Donald) (I tried, did not work out, almost pociąłem, I advise against - military) Of course - there was no alcohol, what you see the pictures are miserable montage, it really only drank herbal tea with milk. (Luke: The tea was obviously canned :).}( Kriis: Add the value that tea was soft;)) [Vene: of course ... Only where these bubbles?] [Vrok: Because it was my carbonated mineral water, probably from here:)]
Conversations with time became more philosophical (it was a strong tea), and about two in the morning to the land of dreams gone Gregorius. He did not know what he loses - has already been mentioned watching Meryl Streepteleshopping and real attraction evening:
Three tenors concert.
That is accidentally made that Phnom, Donald and Qn'ik are fan (atic) I Kazik. More - Donald and he was carrying the Walkman cassette with three songs of the artist. Even more - the equipment could be connected to the big columns standing in the corners of the room ... The sound quality was not the best, however, so the trio decided to take care of cleanliness by choral vocal performance of all three tracks. Twenty times. (And then sang the rest of the songs from the CD, and Tata Tata 2, this time a cappella.)
While most zmógł have a dream, Caleb militarym decided to watch a fascinating account of the Sunday golf partyjki Polish actors. We understand - let the night acute pornography, violent movies, but something like this is horrible! Fortunately, even imparted teleshopping ...
And still Tenors sang. [Luke: I remember that their musical talent terribly complained, Vene was my marudzenia probably enough, Shirley Templebut anyway, tenacious to the end.] (Error - we wytrwaliśmy at your marudzeniu.;) - Military)
Did I mention that Sly phoned and said that he would come tomorrow?
[Gregorius: because I went to bed relatively early (shortly afterwards began to slowly clear to do;)), just as I got up early in the morning (about 10.00:)). Everyone, of course, sleep. With the innate delicacy falls into one of our rooms. I look - Luke does not sleep. Well, I say - hi! No response. Again, a little louder - hi. The same. It turned out after further visual inspection of the would-sleepwalker sleep in a horizontal position with the eyes wlepionymi the ceiling. This may not be such a strange, but a colleague had eyes ... open:). These sections are miracles ...]
One TAM DAY ...
Either there hours ... Wake up ...
Tupi like mad ants ..
Big Mama Thornton
Well, it was not so bad. Regained consciousness in the morning - on the thirteenth, but earlier risen several people - including Caleb, the caller woke cells. Sly said ... definitely not come. Things like that, but exit without the organizer does not belong to the most ordinary things, so the team is a little bit surprised. Otrząsnęliśmy however, and decided ... Today some of przystopować "zjazdowaniem. We went to the House of cheaper books, where some of us have made purchases (and others - Phnomowi in terms of accuracy - had become ill. The result of yesterday's "integration" or saturation "Books", eh?); A few hours later we played a basketball game -- this time in full light, but this is not the same experience. [Vene: but the impression was even better - amagowcy without shirts playing in the trash to trzydziestostopniowym heat - divine] Configurations of separated bit ... atypically. Senior at low prices. Despite this, the final result was not a cause for shame, for the losers - 100:90. (First, senior odskoczyli twenty points, then they came for two years, then they odskoczyli again at 30, then the others come into six ... had a dramatic match. And Qn `k as center was almost not to go ... But how is 190 cm in height and physique bodybuilder mostly so.)
Lily Tomlin
Then again visited the editorial CDA to check train schedules, and we had the ice to IceLandu, beautifully furnished high-class restaurant (the irony). Action Kit Mag czypieńdziesiąt cost of course. (That is czypiendziesiąt persecute us. Specifically - dessert is a set of Qn `ika - two scoops of ice cream in pojemniczku to the whipped cream, four toppings and coconut wiórka.)
Next stop was elegantly decorated pub with sad Wanderer proved how desperate it is sad - laugh until tears for half an hour, to pokładał with laughter, Caleb, but did not drink too much ... It is worth mentioning that the tip was left kelnerce - completely accidentally - czypieńdziesiąt, and one beer cost ... how much? Exactly. The so-called curse of Action Maga - which seems to have some like - because how can one think otherwise when some anonymous Qn'ik formed an idol in wax, and then the rest czarnokoszulkowców gave him honor? [Gregorius: the others gave up bezeceństwom, and I trained our military capabilities by means of a mental game has a cult: "Soccer - version of" pen & paper "]
Gwen Verdon
After returning to the hotel we started to write down the relationship, and later in the night we played rpg session. What's interesting - most of the participants, including the game master, never in the moment it comes to the session did not participate, nor was the concept of FRP pale! There were kuriozalnych situation, and in addition, one person (not to say that this Ghall) played the elf-gay [Vrok: "Although psaaa !!!"]. When I close this in a small cell with a dwarf and a man, fredrowska XIII Pan Tadeusz Paper does not seem at all obscene ... [Sad Wanderer: Wczułem the role ... And by the way is still laughing from the text to Vro (c) any (block;): "You can be my horse!"] (Let me Ghallu that you quote: "Krasnoludzie, do me a hologram of a man to go wyrucham and you leave "- military:))
Dionne Warwick
The session ended at two o'clock at night, when all were too tired to drink (obviously a joke, rather, no one was drunk). In order not to interrupt her in the middle, the master came up with a truly brilliant conclusion - the whole team accidentally fell down from septic tanks and sunk in the middle of the road to the castle of the evil sorcerer. There's nothing like happy ending. (Caleb: And I probably remember most pleasant last night. Particularly bar and sesyjkę RPG - ah, those burita:). (For the uninformed - Caleb played a vampire, and he died accidentally burito eating garlic and Dinah Washingtondrinking holy water. - Military) so we all interesting to me and to Ghall looked strangely at the bar. And you had to see us when writing relations and play. Long time so I dared not ... This is probably the 7 days ... ekhm fun: P)
At the end we went to call Sly - just so we urge a few hours after midnight. Unfortunately, the answering machine picked and had to leave a message (choral "Sly is that you?").
LAST DAY, chlip ...
Saturday, a packed backpack, the way to the station, saying goodbye ... But first - Vrok took a drink from the fridge, who intercede there on Monday. When everyone had eaten their slice oranżady, leaving only to go to the station ... And there - a train whistle ... Jerk the car, the departure ... Wroclaw away, and recalls the scene as a whole in Casablanca. It was nice, but once everything is over.
We hope that this year again we live like moments - but in a larger, more comprehensive group. Maybe someone new to join us, or someone who has gone to win the "come back"? Missed because some people who dopełniliby image Maga Action Congress - were not representatives of a number of important corners, or some excellent songwriters. But it will still - More than one, I hope - an opportunity to meet the rally ...
No, not on the rally. At the symposium. After all, the symposium - it is proud.
The list of invitees was originally dłuuuuga ... Ostały from it but only modest percentages. And now, someone went to the first mail from Sly: Vene, Izabelka, BrightWitch, Tawananna, Zosia nZorka, Mayumi, mGamer, Lex, 7-small-7, A Guest, Eddie, Slavik, Faramir, Niccer, Nazcain, Axel, UnionJack, Phnom Penh, Timon, Vrok, Luke, Qn'ik, Bedzio, Kriis, Caleb,Tammy Wynette Zlotto, Wooward, Donald, Splatch Red Dragon Fall Like (Fly ?:)), the chest of president, Andrew, Sad wanderer, Lamer, Troy, Gregorius, OldEnt, Camilo, Baton, spoxgreq, Namaah, sequence urug, Sly military.
During the "integrate" team (from) pilots put together two songs hip hop and a collective review games for the cell. Below the text. WARNING! The song contained the words offensive, but it is necessary to stay within the genre hh.
GAME REVIEWS "Run Run Run" (authors: Ghall, Donald, Caleb, Andrew, Luke, Vrok, Phnom, military)
Among the Dump "snakes", "Arkanoidów" switch and all sorts of beads, RRR is heading an extremely ambitious. Behind the seemingly trivial plot hidden message and considerable allegorical vision of death.
Expert opinion states that the RRR is "such a clone ... I do not know." According zagrywającego a third year law student, the game is s ** owy sound, and pier *** ne monsters.Oprah Winfrey If you delve deeper into the survival of the intellectual elite among young people, we find in the game decks of aggression (quote: "and s ** **** I granted the WPI"), causing increasing frustration (as the second jump something? You can not jump? " ). The game has a bag ( "a ...") zacięło
After thirty minutes of play testing concluded that the game is taught to think logically ( "what shall I do here at all ?")...
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