wtorek, 16 marca 2010

Triptych: Windows

Triptych beetle: Windows

Sometimes I envy women. Unless they are less plagued by the libido. Yes, they have also, are to him, but do not seem to be such an animal they hunt. I, formed by Catholic morality, full of ethics, which seems to me to my own, and that was really Stacked, I live in the belief that slavery is against the instincts, which I experience is bad. Another issue that is only a matter of upbringing, that cultural denizen that is superstition, that it's natural. But although I am aware of its artificiality, I feel that morality as something born in me, existing in complete independence. And the ethics scourges me, do not leave me dry noodles, when talking to an empty blonde, with full awareness of herhow to install windows 7 ignorance, her mental limitations, its falsity, shallowness, while I look at her breasts, and when finish the conversation and turns to depart I - quite deliberately, and not without some pleasure - I direct your eyes on her buttocks opięte jeans.

And again there does not appeal to biologism and tell yourself the obvious truth that it is a natural instinct, in which nature has equipped me, I willingly and consistently care for an extension of the species. Conscience - although perhaps the superego; renounce increase performance windows 7 dogmatic truth reaches school - is assessed against the enslavement of negative impulses, makes me ashamed, and strive to improve. What I can not do. Finally libido always wins, and my desire to be better for a short while and always end up in the gutter lust and humiliation.

It is not even a physical submission, the bodily experience of a prohibited object, just the same idea that experience, she appears to desire. Desire, which has stimulated the impossibility, the fact of being forbidden fruit, the desire, which grows to an all-encompassing desire to mania, potężniejąca every day, living constantly in the imagination, at times filled with spirituality, with a sarcastic smile attacker, in bringing the poetic rapture prozaicznością his land. Its ubiquity, reflectingwindows 7 shortcut on relationships with people in their decisions, which are half-unconsciously, lead to its implementation. Stimulating the desire for some incomprehensible masochizmie, drill, scrambling wounds that hurt even more, that was even more humiliating. Or maybe it fuels so that in the end something happen to experience any feelings, emotions? Even have to be filthy lust and humiliation, it's finally something you experienced, what we live, something real, touched for the soul, late torpor, apathy, vegetation.

Actually, all my pain, all the problems, all questions boil down to my sphere of physical conflict with the spiritual realm. In this case, it comes to fighting all my dirt with my morality, the struggle that morality must be defeated, because it does not accept trips, compromises, half-measures, and I am not - and can not be - flawless. Trite truism that nobody is a saint ... All his thinking, all the "better part" I stand on the side ofWindows Parental Controls ethics, a fan of her, but I am not able to conquer these dirty instincts. I do not know whether or lose due to a congenital weakness, or maybe my dear defeatism will not allow me to fight with all my strength. Although it is rather simply a clash of two good boxers, in which no party can not avoid the blows. A blow to morality that is at once its defeat ...

Seeing my dirt, but I can not condemn him, but seeing my condemnation, I can not mock him, because I know that it is powerless. And so too developed moral sense leads to cynicism. No awareness of seeing their evil, and having the full picture in their own filth, can not remain pure and innocent. Sarcasm, the desire to fall, to be even lower, perverse delightDisable windows Firewall after rolling down the inclined plane. The longer a man with him, the more I recognize its dark side, the more I think that because of the libido there is no escape, it must unconditionally surrender to him, throw herself into the whirl of debauchery - is at the end, it is a form of protest. And this fuller form, because honest - no masking is no complete hypocrisy to pretend that one is virtuous.

Just to have an end to this damned duality, so at least once to Unity! If you can not be a saint, I najohydniejszym with lubieżników, if I can not be a man, I am An animal, if I can not be entirely good, I'll be finitely bad, if I can not break free from the drives, I will be their advocate, if I can not live in the principality poetry, become a citizen of the empire of perversion, if I'm not built for monogamy, I have every night, except, if I can not be the only heart, I will only let lust, if I can not only be a priest of spirituality, I will be a servant of the senses, if I can not be quiet , orgiastic unleash a hurricane, if I can not be a teacher of ethics, I will be a hunter innocence, and if I can not live in beauty, I współżył in landfills, and if I can be strong, I will płaszczył before his weakness. If you can not be God, I am Satan.

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